I was delighted by the entry which included a number of quality hounds and this made my day most enjoyable. It was pleasing to find that hind movement and soundness has generally improved and I was encouraged to see some very promising youngsters coming on. We had a lovely big carpeted ring but there were a number of hidden floor traps under the carpet, which rocked and creaked when stepped on and this combined with an extremely loud public address system just above the ring, unfortunately appeared to be very unsettling for several exhibits. However, I was delighted with my main winners who coped admirably with these difficult conditions.
MINOR PUPPY DOG - (Entries: 4, Abs: 1)
1) Everard’s PACKWAY HERON’S GHYLL: Attractive shapely 6 month old puppy with dark crisp coat, nice head and pleasing expression with dark eyes but would prefer darker pigmentation around the eyes, well held ears, good front and rear construction, adequate depth of brisket and length of body, neat well knuckled feet, a little unsettled in the ring today at his first show. Moved out well in profile, coming and going. Best Puppy.
2) Greenhalgh’s KILBOURNE DRUID AT LEKSMOOR: Attractive well grown 8 month old puppy with grey rough coat, good bone and more substance throughout than (1), pleasing head and expression, strong neck, good depth of brisket and length of body, good broad hindquarters, unsettled in the ring today and moved well going but front movement was rather slack and pasterns need to strengthen.
PUPPY DOG – (Entries: 1, Abs: 0)
1) Lynch’s PACKWAY CHELWOOD: Another attractive 6 month old puppy with crisp grey coat, taller than his litter brother, who won the previous class, pleasing head and expression but would prefer darker pigmentation around the eyes, adequate depth of brisket and good body, good length from hip to hock, well knuckled feet, movement a little slack and moved rather close behind today.
JUNIOR DOG - (Entries: 1, Abs: 0)
1) Peach's KILBOURNE MERAK: Very handsome well grown young male with pleasing flowing lines and standing over a lot of ground with pleasing top line, harsh grey coat of correct length and texture, good substance throughout for his age, masculine head with typical soft expression and well held ears, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good depth and length of body flowing into strong broad hindquarters. He moved soundly but seemed very unsettled today by the ring surface. Withdrawn before the challenge.
POST GRADUATE DOG - (Entries: 4: Abs: 3)
Samways’ ERPINGHAM MAGNUS CASSACRE: Elegant 3 year old male with light grey crisp coat, handsome head with neat well held ears, well knuckled feet, good neck flowing into shoulders, would prefer more fore chest and deeper brisket, adequate length of body flowing into good broad hind quarters with well bent stifles, rather flat top line, moved soundly coming and going and well presented.
LIMIT DOG - (Entries:6, Abs:2)
1) Girling's PYEFLEET TIMOTHY: Mature workmanlike male aged 6 years with plenty of substance throughout, harsh grey brindle coat, masculine head of good proportions but would prefer a softer expression, strong neck leading into well laid shoulders, good broad chest, good deep brisket and length of body flowing into strong broad hind quarters with well bent stifle and low hocks. He moved with light and easy long strides holding his top line and was sound from every direction. DCC & BOS
2) Swanson’s COTHERSTONE DALLAS DHU OF ALTIMARLACH: Handsome young dark male with lovely dark crisp coat, adequate bone but smaller and lighter build than (1), attractive head with dark eye and well held neat ears, good length of neck leading into well laid shoulders, good length of body flowing into broad quarters, I would prefer more of him and more length from hip to hock. Moved soundly from all directions and well presented.
OPEN DOG - (Entries:4, Abs:1)
Close decision between (1) and (2) in this class on the day.
1) Peach's CH KILBOURNE LLOYD: Well built 3 year old male with good substance throughout and very good harsh grey brindle coat, handsome head with well set neat ears, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good breadth of chest, adequate depth of brisket and length of body, strong broad well angulated hindquarters. He moved well and was sound from all directions holding his top-line. Well presented. RDCC
Constantine's CH KALEGINY THE FORESTER SHCM: Handsome mature male rising 5 years with short dark coat, good substance throughout and heavier build than (1), masculine head with pleasing soft expression but rather full dark eyes, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good breadth and depth of chest, shorter coupled than (1), strong broad well muscled hind quarters and well knuckled feet. Moved well and was sound from all directions. Well presented.
3) Pursglove’s STRANWITH ROAG.
VETERAN DOG - (Entries: 2, Abs:0)
1) Lewis’ LUCKHURST NAIRN: Handsome mature 7 year old hound with pale grey crisp coat, good bone and substance throughout and pleasing top line, attractive masculine head with dark eye and lovely soft expression, good length of neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good depth and length of body flowing into broad hind quarters with well angulated stifles. Carried himself very well on the move and strode out with good long strides in profile. Well presented. Best Veteran.
2) Wragg’s FRITZENS DRUM TO NEROCHE (IMP GER): Another handsome male aged 7 years, elegant and lighter build than (1), attractive head with pleasing expression and dark eye, good length of neck flowing into shoulders, good depth and length of body and broad hind quarters. Moved soundly but lacked the enthusiasm of (1) on the day. Well presented.
GOOD CITIZEN DOG – (Entries 0)
MINOR PUPPY BITCH – (Entries:2, Abs:2)
PUPPY BITCH - (Entries:1, Abs:1)
JUNIOR BITCH - (Entries:3, Abs:1)
1) Peach’s FINE ART VON DER OELMUHLE AT KILBOURNE (IMP GER): Attractive shapely young bitch with lovely crisp harsh brindle coat and pleasing top line, good substance throughout, feminine head with pleasing soft expression and neat ears, strong neck leading into well laid shoulders, good width across the chest, adequate depth of brisket and good length of body flowing into broad strong well angulated hind quarters. Moved soundly with good reach in front and well presented.
2) Owen & Brodie’s WOLFCASTLE SOUL SISTER: Another attractive and shapely young bitch with lovely crisp grey coat, pretty feminine head with dark eye and neat ears, good length of neck flowing into shoulders, adequate depth and length of body, good strong well muscled hind quarters. On the day she appeared rather unsettled in the ring and tended to hunch up her back which spoilt her top line. Moved soundly and well presented.
POST GRADUATE BITCH - (Entries:7, Abs:4)
1) Peach’s ORMANSTAR QUEEN OF HEARTS TO KILBOURNE: Attractive 2 years old bitch with crisp dark coat and good bone, feminine head with nice aquiline nose and pleasing soft expression, good length of neck leading into shoulders, good length of body with pleasing top line flowing into well angulated hind quarters, nice and straight from behind but would prefer a little more width between hips. Moved soundly and well presented.
2) Constantine’s KALEGINY STEELBRIG: Feminine 2 year old bitch of lighter build and smaller stature than (1), harsh grey coat, nice head with pleasing soft expression and neat well held ears, good width across the chest and depth of brisket and strong broad well angulated hind quarters. I would prefer more of her overall and a less pronounced curve in top line. Moved soundly but lacked the reach in front and length of stride shown by (1).
3) Seymour – Jackson’s KILBOURNE LUCY:
LIMIT BITCH - (Entries:8, Abs:4)
1) Bailey’s GREYFLAX PEARLS A SINGER: Very attractive dark grey bitch with lovely harsh coat and plenty of substance throughout, feminine head with typical soft expression and well held ears, well knuckled feet, strong neck leading into well laid shoulders, broad chest and good length of body with depth and great spring of ribs, good width across the loin flowing into strong broad hind quarters. Moved soundly with drive coming and going and holding a good top line. Well presented. RBCC.
2) Lucas & Dargonne's PACKWAY LITTLE LOXLEY: Another attractive bitch with lovely dark harsh coat but lacking the substance of (1), feminine head with well held ears and typical soft expression, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good breadth of chest and depth of brisket, good body flowing into broad well muscled and strong hindquarters. Moved well with drive, sound coming and going. Well presented.
OPEN BITCH - (Entries:6, Abs:3)
1) Peach's CH BLIXTEN STAR TO KILBOURNE (IMP FIN): Beautiful 4 year old bitch with harsh grey coat, so graceful and well balanced, lovely feminine head with typical soft expression, good neck flowing into well laid shoulders, adequate depth of brisket and good length of body, broad strong well angulated hindquarters with good length from hip to hocks. Shown in her prime and she flowed around the ring with easy long strides. Very well presented in great condition. BCC & BOB.
2) Bailey’s CH GREYFLAX LADY SINGS THE BLUES: Attractive bitch with mid grey harsh coat, taller and more substantial than (1), pleasing feminine head with typical soft expression, good breadth across the chest but would prefer longer upper arm with more return, good length of body flowing into strong broad and well angulated hind quarters. Moved soundly but lacking the reach in front and drive of (1). Well presented.
VETERAN BITCH - (Entries:2, Abs:0)
Very close decision between (1) and (2) in this class on the day.
1) Seymour-Jackson’s AELFRIDA OF GHILTAN: Lovely old lady aged 10 years with dark shaggy coat, shapely with adequate substance, pretty head with dark eyes and and lovely typical soft expression, I would prefer more width across the chest, adequate depth of brisket and length of good body, rather steep croup, wide well angulated quarters. When standing her pasterns appeared rather weak but she came to life on the move and trotted out with great enthusiasm.
2) Williams' KILBOURNE WENDELA: Another lovely old lady aged 9 years with harsh grey coat, taller and built on longer lines with more substance than (1), feminine head with lovely typical soft expression, good length of neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good depth of chest and length of body, good broad well angulated hindquarters and neat compact feet. Moved soundly but tending to drop her top-line and lacked the enthusiasm of (1) on the day.
Sarah Helps
19th December 2019